LED Retrofit for Cushman Wakefield at Crowfoot Crossing

YESCO Calgary recently completed an LED Retrofit for Cushman Wakefield at Crowfoot Crossing, converting three multi-tenant sign pylons from High Output Fluorescent lighting to energy-efficient LED lighting.

This will save over 7500 watts per hour that the signs are operational resulting in significantly reduced energy costs with minimal maintenance as there are no longer bulbs to be changed.

Monthly savings give an estimated project payback of 3 years, after which an additional $475/month in savings will be realized. Environmentally this is a reduction of 23 metric tons of CO2 per year and the equivalent of removing 6 cars from the road.

LED Retrofits are cost-effective and proven investments that show immediate environmental benefits and long-term cost savings. Congratulations Cushman and Wakefield, and thank you for choosing YESCO Calgary!