Why Location Matters: How Billboard Placement Influences Consumer Engagement

If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering why billboard placement is so critical to the performance of your campaign or you might be trying to figure out how to engage the right type of client. If you’re not sure about how to choose a location or how to get customer engagement from your billboard advertisement read on.  By the time you’re done reading this, you will understand why billboard placement is not only important for your bottom line but vital to the survival of your brand and the expansion of your customers in a diverse market.  

Location, Location, Location…

You might be thinking, but I’m not in the real estate business why does that apply to me? “LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION,” may have been coined for the real estate business, however it is not only true of the real estate business. It could also be argued that if you own any business, you are in the real estate business. Just look at McDonald’s as an example of this. The founder, Ray Kroc, said himself that he is not in the burger business, but in the real estate business. Each McDonald’s location is set up to be in the most successful area and piece of land so that everyone can see it and ultimately buy food from there. The same is true of your billboard. If you do not have a good location for your billboard your campaign will fail. Leaving you with a decrease in sales and ultimately your marketing dollars will be flushed down the proverbial toilet. 

Location is the most important piece to your billboard puzzle. You need to know several main components to decide if the location is perfect for your billboard. You need to know your target audience, traffic patterns, visibility, and ultimately how close you are to the signage area. 

1. Target Audience

You need to know that the placement of your sign is in an area where the people who see it will be interested, curious, or need your product. 

For instance, many attorneys look at what corners with billboards have the most accidents annually and then place their billboards there. When someone gets into a wreck there, they are the first lawyer they see, and they also know that the attorney takes care of accidents. Anyone in an accident is their target audience.

You also need to keep in mind based on your business if you want to target a city area like Phoenix, a rural area like the suburbs of Illinois, or an industrial area where businesses will see your information. Are you targeting consumer-to-consumer or business-to-business?  I highly recommend writing down some information about your target audience when looking at billboard placement. This will help you figure out if your marketing dollars will be well spent there or if you should move on to another form of advertising or a different billboard space. 

2. Traffic Patterns

This is important not only for the placement of your advertisement but also for what you have written on it. Are you in an area where people will be stuck in traffic for hours upon hours or is it more of a quick drive-by?  You sign should have verbiage and information based on the traffic patterns. You do not want to have a lengthy sign on a billboard in an area where traffic simply moves in and out constantly. You do want to have a short easy memorable message if that is the case. 

Figure out what your messaging will look like and make sure that the traffic pattern of the area matches to be cohesive with your marketing ideologies. 

3. Visibility

How big will your billboard be? Is it big enough to see from your car or walk by? This is one area of life where size truly does matter. If no one can read or see your sign you’re not getting great customer engagement. Do a couple of tests yourself. Drive by where you want to put the billboard in, walk by it. If you can see your sign there and know that it will be read by everyone passing by then this is a good location for your sign.  

Make sure your font is of proper size and is readable. There have been many marketing mistakes around the size and styling of the font. If your potential customer or client can’t read the sign, they cannot contact you either.  Your message should be bold and simple. Don’t complicate it. 

Also, make sure the sign is not too tall or too short. It’s not obstructed by trees or other obstacles that could cause your advertisement detriment. Make sure no matter where you are on the street that your sign is visible, and your messaging is visible too.  

4. Your Location to the Billboards

This will greatly depend on the type of business you have, but you don’t want to throw a billboard halfway around the country if you cannot service that area of the country. Make sure if you’re a plumber and you have a distinct area that you do business in that your billboard is not only in that service area, but preferably near the middle of it or close to your office/home location.  Many businesses marketing billboards have failed, because they failed to realize that while a location may have had the perfect traffic and was great for their target audience it wasn’t close enough for them to be of service. Don’t advertise for other people. Remember to consider your location and how far you are willing to travel for work or how far a person may be willing to travel for you when picking the perfect billboard spot.  


Overall, you should be mindful of your business and marketing goals when picking the perfect location for your billboard advertisement. You need to be steadfast in what your goals for your brand are and this will help you get the best engagement from your marketing investment. To review the four areas, you need to remember Target Audience, Traffic Patterns, Visibility, and Your Location/customers/clients’ location. These four aspects will help you know if you’re making the correct decision with your marketing dollars for your billboard campaign.  Do not get happy ears and spontaneously pick a spot for your billboard campaign. Really do a deep dive and think it through. In the end, it will be worth it. 

YESCO Featured on Amazon Prime Documentary “Neon”

We invite you to visit "Neon" a documentary available on Amazon Prime Video that explores the history of neon as well as its influence on American culture. YESCO, along with several prominent YESCO-designed signs, are featured in the documentary. The company has strong roots in creativity, artistry, and innovation which continues to inspire the work we do.


Beginning in 1932, YESCO began its journey as a premier designer, fabricator, and installer of neon signs in Las Vegas. YESCO's founder, Thomas Young, was one who dreamed of lighting up Las Vegas. Since that time, YESCO has created some of the most vibrant and recognizable neon signs ever built. As the documentary describes these signs, and others like them, have shaped the history of Las Vegas, contributing to the establishment of classic neon signs as a "cultural icon." 

Dwan Young Named World’s Oldest Female Water-Skier

Making waves: 92-year-old Utah woman named world's oldest female water-skier. Dwan Young started skiing when her family bought a cabin on Bear Lake in 1961.

A 92-year-old Utah woman has broken the world record for being the oldest known female water-skier. Dwan is a board member and matriarch of YESCO.

Guinness World Records announced Thursday that Dwan Young "is officially the world’s oldest water-skier."

The "adventure-loving" grandmother started skiing when her family bought a cabin on Bear Lake in 1961. The sport's popularity at the lake, located on the Utah-Idaho border about 100 miles northeast of Salt Lake City, inspired Young to try it when she was 29.

"Waterskiing taught me that when you have a goal, do not give up," the record-holder told Guinness. "Just keep trying."

Once Young mastered waterskiing on two skis, she set out to learn how to slalom ski, which involves using one ski and navigating around a set of buoys.

After a lot of effort and numerous failures, Young finally got up onto the single ski. She says it's her favorite water-skiing memory.

Young now starts out on two skis, then drops one after she gets going to save energy, according to Guinness.

She told Guinness that she enjoys skiing when the water is smooth and hasn't lost any amount of love for the sport over the years

"In the water, I feel excited,” she said.

Family tradition

Every year, Young and her family return to the Bear Lake. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren all water ski with her. Her grandchildren are her coaches and cheerleaders, according to Guinness.

This year for Christmas, one of Young's granddaughters presented her with an extra special gift: the framed Guinness World Records certificate declaring her to be the world's oldest female water-skier.

Young thought it was a joke at first.

"I still cannot believe it," she said. "What a surprise and what an honor.”

Dwan Young's advice for the rest of us?

Young told Guinness that her goal is to stay healthy so she can waterski again this summer.

“I am very fortunate to have good health, which allows me to enjoy life to its fullest,” she said.

And her advice for those younger than her who have never tried waterskiing?

“Do not be afraid to try a new sport when you are older,” she said. “You are more capable than you think.”

Read the full article written by Natalie Neysa Alund and Julia Gomez on usatoday.com

Visual Merchandising: Best Practices for Digital Sign Placement

Every retailer has become aware that the digital realm continues to intertwine seamlessly with the physical shopping experience, the strategic placement of digital signs has become a crucial aspect of visual merchandising. What some retailers are not aware of, is the degree to how much the workplace has been affected by these technologies or how to navigate the technologies for an optimal outcome. 

Retailers are no longer confined to traditional methods; instead, they are harnessing the power of technology to enhance customer engagement. In this article, we delve into the art and science of placing digital signs within retail spaces, exploring factors like visibility, store layout integration, and the impact of cutting-edge technologies on this dynamic field.

1. Strategic Visibility: The Power of Placement

The first place to consider in digital sign placement is visibility.  This seems obvious, but this is also where several retailers seem to forget the best way to showcase their branding. A well-placed digital sign captures the attention of customers and creates a lasting impression. According to a recent survey by retail experts, over 80% of customers are more likely to notice and engage with a digital sign that is strategically placed at eye level. Retailers should optimize the placement of their digital displays, ensuring they are prominently featured in high-traffic areas to maximize exposure and impact. 

If you are unsure if your signs are in a good field of view. Walk around the store and pretend you’re a customer shopping around and have your staff, family, friends do the same. They will tell you if something seems off. It’s also important to note this is especially helpful since these signs need to be visible by people with differing heights as well. Make sure everyone is able to see the signage well. If you are still unsure consult a professional. 

2. Integration into Overall Store Layout

The successful integration of digital displays into the overall store layout is essential for a cohesive and immersive shopping experience. Retailers are increasingly adopting a holistic approach, ensuring that digital signs complement other visual merchandising elements. By aligning digital displays with physical products and store aesthetics, retailers create a harmonious environment that enhances brand identity and customer satisfaction.

Recent studies indicate that 65% of customers find a store more appealing when digital signs are integrated into the overall layout, making it a powerful tool for influencing purchasing decisions. Retailers should strategically position digital displays in areas that naturally attract customer attention, such as near entrance points, key product sections, or checkout counters. To further review you want the signs to stand out, but you also want them to cohesively go with your store layout and branding. 

3. Technological Advancements: Personalization and AI

As technology continues to advance, retailers are leveraging personalization and artificial intelligence (AI) to elevate the impact of their digital signs. Personalized content tailored to individual preferences significantly increases customer engagement. According to industry reports, personalized digital signage can lead to a 30% uplift in customer satisfaction and a 20% increase in sales.

AI-driven analytics also play a crucial role in optimizing digital sign placement. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, retailers can dynamically adjust the content displayed on digital signs in real-time. This not only enhances the overall shopping experience but also contributes to increased sales and customer loyalty.

4. Impactful Statistics: Making Data-Driven Decisions

In the competitive market data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly vital to the survival of retailers. incorporating impactful statistics into the strategy for digital sign placement and design reinforces the importance of this practice. For instance, retailers who strategically place digital signs have reported a 25% increase on average transaction value and a 15% boost in overall sales. 

Moreover, 70% of customers feel that digital signs have influenced their purchasing decisions, highlighting the profound impact of well-placed, visually appealing displays. Retailers should harness these statistics to justify investments in digital signage and continually refine their strategies based on performance metrics. Make these signs make sense to your target audience. Do not forget the human element within the digital age. Both need to be balanced to have an optimal outcome for your customers satisfaction and for your store to thrive, not just survive. 


In conclusion, the strategic placement of digital signs within retail spaces is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of visibility, integration into store layouts, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, embracing these best practices will not only capture the attention of customers but also enhance the overall shopping experience, driving increased engagement, satisfaction, and ultimately, sales. Retailers who understand the significance of digital sign placement and leverage the power of technology will undoubtedly position themselves as leaders in the dynamic and competitive world of visual merchandising. 

Wendover Will, ‘Cousin’ of Vegas Vic, Gets Makeover

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Much like last year when Vegas Vic, a pillar of Fremont Street for seven decades, needed a good repair, his look-alike in West Wendover just got a major facelift.

Vic’s neon family is bigger than you might think.

“His spouse Vegas Vicky is in Circa,” Jeff Young, Executive Vice President of YESCO Custom Electric Signs, explained. “But many people don’t know that Vegas Vic has a first cousin up in northern Nevada in West Wendover.”

Wendover Will is 72 years old, making him one year younger than Vic, although he is about 25 feet taller. Like Vic, he was built by YESCO, and has also recently been in need of repairs.

“The city of West Wendover asked us if we would consider a massive upgrade,” Young recalled. “So, we could almost consider calling him Makeover Will...complete repaint, all new lighting system.”

That new lighting system is LED, which replaces the more traditional neon. Young explains this makes Will more cost-effective and easier to maintain, but it likely won’t be in Vic’s future.

“I don’t envision Vegas Vic would ever convert over to LED,” he said confidently.

Sticking with neon for Vic means more constant work being done on the Fremont icon.

“We were out twice in November with Vic and again in December,” Young said. “We were out just a couple weeks ago fixing more.”

Vic’s upkeep is included in the nationwide effort by YESCO to find signs in need of repair.

“In terms of active, ongoing orders, they number in the thousands and thousands and thousands,” Young said.

But these two cousins literally stand above the rest.

“Not only to have created them, but to be the caretakers of them,” Young said about the two giant cowboys. “And that’s really an honor for us.”

Wendover Will’s makeover cost the city of West Wendover about $175,000.

Read the full article written by Mike Allen on fox5vegas.com

YESCO Featured on German Television Show

YESCO was recently featured on German Television show "Galileo X-Plorer" hosted by Claire Oelkers. The show follows YESCO journeyman Michael Laudenslager as he gives Claire a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to keep the lights on in Las Vegas. 

The show featured Michael rappelling from the Harmon Retail Center LED digital screen to repair damaged LED cards, learning how to bend a glass "M" with Oscar Gonzalez, and working with Kenny West to install that same "M" at the Fabulous Welcome to Las Vegas Sign. 

The full show aired live in Germany, but you can see a clip of it on YouTube (turn on subtitles for English translation). 


YESCO Wins “Best Monument Sign,” “Designer’s Choice” For Derby District Gateway Sign By Colorado Sign Association

YESCO was awarded “Best Monument Sign” and “Designer’s Choice” for its Derby District Gateway sign at
this year’s annual Colorado Sign Association (CSA) sign design contest.

Fabricated at YESCO’s Las Vegas facility, the Derby District Gateway sign is completely solar powered. With a complex light topper and colorful display, the distinctive sign welcomes visitors to the Derby District of Commerce City, Colorado. Melding the timeless elegance of mid-century modern aesthetics with the inviting charm of futurist Googie styling, the sign captures attention and fosters a sense of connection among the city’s vibrant residents.

This year’s sign design contest included more than 75 entries in design categories ranging from “Best Pylon Sign” to “Best Wall Sign,” “Best Unique Sign” and “Best Monument Sign.” The winners were chosen by judges from the Arizona Sign Association.

● The sign features trimless letters on illuminated cabinets of textured translucent
acrylic panels.
● The cutting-edge solar power system, which is neatly hidden behind the sign,
supplies energy for an astonishing three consecutive days, even in the face of
complete cloud cover.
● The structure is 14-feet wide by 13-feet high.
“The Derby District Gateway sign marks a satisfying milestone for YESCO as we continue to create award-winning signage ,” said Jeff Young, executive vice president, YESCO. “Our design team is so proud to be given such prestigious awards in this year’s contest.”

YESCO Refurbishes Iconic “Wendover Will” Sign with LED Technology

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YESCO announces it has completely refurbished the iconic “Wendover Will” neon cowboy sign with LED technology.

Retained by the City of West Wendover – which is located on Nevada’s eastern border – YESCO was tasked with replacing 1,184 feet of neon tubing with Allanson flex and RGB flex LED lighting to mimic the sign’s original look and feel. The new LED lighting also requires less maintenance and is more energy efficient than the neon tubing.

The 71-year-old landmark was also refreshed with a bright new coat of paint to match the original color scheme. Additionally, YESCO removed the existing letters at the base of the sign and installed new letters with the inclusion of the illuminated “Downtown” pan channel letters.


  • At 63 feet tall, “Wendover Will” was named the “world’s tallest mechanical cowboy” by the Guinness Book of World Records.
  • Will is among many of the famous signs YESCO built in Nevada.
  • In 1952, YESCO commissioned designer Pat Denner to create “Wendover Will” for the Stateline Casino, just after he completed Las Vegas’ iconic “Vegas Vic” sign located on Downtown Las Vegas’ Fremont Street.
  • There are more than 1,184 feet of LED lighting on the sign.
  • It is named after the City of West Wendover and William Smith, who founded the Stateline Casino.

“From building the original ‘Wendover Will’ in 1952 to refurbishing it in 2023, YESCO is profoundly grateful to be tasked with the care and improvement of this legendary sign,” said Jeff Young, executive vice president, YESCO.